I'm still about but no cards or creations I'm afraid. I'm struggling with my hands, gripping and holding the holding the crayons. I think I may have arthritis in my fingers now as they are painful and swollen. But hey ho it could be worse. Really need to get to the doctors and get sorted.
Did any of you watch The C word last night ? Wasn't Sheridan Smith amazing. Such a powerful story of courage and determination.
Anyway what are you all up to today ? The weather isn't too bad here this morning so we are taking a walk round Elvaston castle. I go out daily for a walk now to train for the Race for Life in July. Also I'm at the stage in my weight loss where I need to exercise to help the loss and to tone up. The not quite a teenager as surfaced and already had a Kevin and Perry tantrum because he's been asked to put his dirty washing in the basket and to tidy his room ! The joys ( if there are any ) of an 11 year old.
Well I'd better get a shuffle on as my sister in law and kids are coming over, not sure what time so off I go.
Have a fab day and happy crafting.